Non-salmon meristics from the F/V Sea Eagle, F/V Frosti SE0005, SE0007, FR0206-01, FR0208, FR0206-02 from the Northeast Pacific, 2000 and 2002 (NEP project) (NCEI Accession 0113968)
This dataset contains biological data collected on F/V Frosti and F/V Sea Eagle during cruises FR0206-01, FR0206-02, FR0208, SE0005, and SE0007 in the North Pacific Ocean from 2000-05-29 to 2002-08-17. These data include taxon. The instruments used to collect these data include Nordic 264 Rope Trawl. These data were collected by Dr Richard D Brodeur and Dr Robert L Emmett of Northwest Fisheries Science Center - Newport and Dr Suzan S Pool of Oregon State University as part of the "U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific (NEP)" project and "U.S. GLOBal ocean ECosystems dynamics (U.S. GLOBEC)" program. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NCEI on 2023-01-23.
The following is the text of the dataset description provided by BCO-DMO:
Non-salmon meristics
Dataset Description:
U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific California Current System Mesoscale Process Studies: Non-Salmonid Meristics Data
During juvenile salmonid trawling cruises, additional sampling included CTD profiles, neuston net tows, and Niskin bottle water collections for chlorophyll a. At most stations, data on all parameters were collected.
Results: Detailed analyses of the nekton trawl catches for 2000 are presented in Brodeur et al. (2004) and for jellyfish for both years in Suchman and Brodeur (2005).
Last modified: June 20, 2005 Show more...
The following is the text of the dataset description provided by BCO-DMO:
Non-salmon meristics
Dataset Description:
U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific California Current System Mesoscale Process Studies: Non-Salmonid Meristics Data
During juvenile salmonid trawling cruises, additional sampling included CTD profiles, neuston net tows, and Niskin bottle water collections for chlorophyll a. At most stations, data on all parameters were collected.
Results: Detailed analyses of the nekton trawl catches for 2000 are presented in Brodeur et al. (2004) and for jellyfish for both years in Suchman and Brodeur (2005).
Last modified: June 20, 2005 Show more...
Dataset Citation
- Cite as: Brodeur, Richard D; Emmett, Robert L; Pool, Suzan S (2013). Non-salmon meristics from the F/V Sea Eagle, F/V Frosti SE0005, SE0007, FR0206-01, FR0208, FR0206-02 from the Northeast Pacific, 2000 and 2002 (NEP project) (NCEI Accession 0113968). In Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office. Biological, chemical, physical, biogeochemical, ecological, environmental and other data collected from around the world during historical and contemporary periods of biological and chemical oceanographic exploration and research managed and submitted by the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Dataset Identifiers
ISO 19115-2 Metadata
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Ordering Instructions | Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions. |
Distributor |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information +1-301-713-3277 |
Dataset Point of Contact |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information |
Time Period | 2000-05-29 to 2002-08-17 |
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates |
West: -126.007
East: -124.128
South: 41.792
North: 44.692
Spatial Coverage Map |
General Documentation |
Associated Resources |
Publication Dates |
Data Presentation Form | Digital table - digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns |
Dataset Progress Status | Complete - production of the data has been completed Historical archive - data has been stored in an offline storage facility |
Data Update Frequency | As needed |
Supplemental Information | Acquisition Description: At each station, a Nordic 264 rope trawl built by Nor'Eastern Trawl Systems, Inc. was towed in surface waters by a chartered fishing vessel (F/V Sea Eagle in 2000 and F/V Frosti in 2002). It was towed with about 300 m of warp for 30 minutes at 1.5 m/sec with a pair of 3.0-m foam-filled trawl doors and 90.7-kg weight chains to spread the mouth open. Except for two mid-water trawling events, six A-4 Polyform floats were clipped to wingtips and the headrope to fish the trawl at the surface. The trawl has a maximum mouth opening of approximately 30-m wide x 18-m high. Mesh sizes ranged from 162.6 cm in the throat of the trawl near the jib lines to 8.9 cm in the codend. To maintain catches of small fish and squid, a 6.1-m long, 0.8-cm knotless liner was sewn into the codend. All but several tows were 30 min in duration. The majority of trawls was done during daytime, although a few were done at dawn and dusk and two diel series were completed in 2002. From each trawl catch, up to 50 individuals per species of non-salmonid nekton and jellyfish were measured at sea. In this accession, NCEI has archived multiple versions of these data. The latest (and best) version of these data has the largest version number. |
Purpose | This dataset is available to the public for a wide variety of uses including scientific research and analysis. |
Use Limitations |
Dataset Citation |
Cited Authors |
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Points of Contact |
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Acknowledgments |
Theme keywords |
Platform keywords | NODC PLATFORM NAMES THESAURUS BCO-DMO Platform Names Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords ICES/SeaDataNet Ship Codes |
Instrument keywords | NODC INSTRUMENT TYPES THESAURUS BCO-DMO Standard Instruments Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords Originator Instrument Names |
Place keywords | NODC SEA AREA NAMES THESAURUS Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords Provider Place Names |
Project keywords |
BCO-DMO Standard Programs
BCO-DMO Standard Projects
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords
Provider Cruise IDs
Provider Funding Award Information
Use Constraints |
Data License | |
Access Constraints |
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Lineage information for: dataset | |
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Output Datasets |
Lineage information for: repository | |
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Last Modified: 2024-09-22T14:38:57Z
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