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Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2013: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf (NCEI Accession 0162440)

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Two sets of CTD data were taken during the 2013 Shelfwide Hypoxia cruise off the Louisiana continental shelf. Hydrographic data were obtained with the LUMCON SeaBird 911+ CTD system and a YSI 6820. Nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment, surface salinity, Secchi depth, Winkler results, and station information data were also acquired.
  • Cite as: Rabalais, Nancy (2017). Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2013: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf (NCEI Accession 0162440). In Rabalais, Nancy N.; Turner, R. Eugene; Wiseman, Jr., William J.. Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 1998-2021: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
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Distributor NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information(link is external)
Dataset Point of Contact NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information(link is external)
Time Period 2013-03-08 to 2013-12-17
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates
West: -94.119
East: -89.2323
South: 28.45
North: 29.6415
Spatial Coverage Map
General Documentation
Associated Resources
Publication Dates
  • publication: 2017-05-16
Data Presentation Form Digital table - digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns
Dataset Progress Status Complete - production of the data has been completed
Historical archive - data has been stored in an offline storage facility
Data Update Frequency As needed
Purpose The physical, biological and chemical data collected are part of a long-term coastal Louisiana dataset. The goal is to understand physical and biological processes that contribute to the causes of hypoxia and use the data to support environmental models for use by resource managers. The size of the hypoxic area is part of the baseline data considered by the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Nutrient/Hypoxia Task Force.
Use Limitations
  • accessLevel: Public
  • Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
Dataset Citation
  • Cite as: Rabalais, Nancy (2017). Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2013: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf (NCEI Accession 0162440). In Rabalais, Nancy N.; Turner, R. Eugene; Wiseman, Jr., William J.. Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 1998-2021: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Cited Authors
Resource Providers
  • Funding Agency: NOAA Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research
  • oceanography
Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords Provider Keywords
  • Mean Fo/Fa
  • Time
  • Total Suspended Sediments
  • inorganic suspended particulate matter
  • organic suspended particulate material
Platform keywords NODC PLATFORM NAMES THESAURUS Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords ICES/SeaDataNet Ship Codes
Instrument keywords NODC INSTRUMENT TYPES THESAURUS Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords Provider Instruments
  • Biospherical Instruments 2-QSP-200L
  • Chelsea Instruments Aquatraka III
  • Furuno GPS Navagation GP-90
  • GF/F Filter
  • Lachat QuikChem
  • Mettler Toledo DL28 Titrator
  • Multiple Instrument Data Acquisition System (MIDAS)
  • Odom Echotrac II Fathometer
  • SBE 13-01
  • SBE 3-01/F
  • SBE 4-01/0
  • SBE-9+, Paroscientific Digiquartz(r) pressure sensor
  • Sonar Altimeter, Teledyne Benthos PSA-900
  • Turner digital 10-AU
  • Wetlabs Transmissometer
  • YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument
Place keywords NODC SEA AREA NAMES THESAURUS Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Keywords Send2NCEI Submission Package ID
  • 7C298N
Use Constraints
  • Cite as: Rabalais, Nancy (2017). Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2013: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf (NCEI Accession 0162440). In Rabalais, Nancy N.; Turner, R. Eugene; Wiseman, Jr., William J.. Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 1998-2021: Physical (Hydrography), chemical (CTD), and biological (Water Quality) processes of the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
Access Constraints
  • Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
  • In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
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Processing Steps
  • 2017-05-16T03:41:08Z - NCEI Accession 0162440 v1.1 was published.
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  • Data Type: LATITUDE (measured); Units: decimal degrees; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Furuno GPS Navagation GP-90; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cruise station positions were logged from RV Pelican's differential GPS at the beginning of sampling operations. In addition to the July Shelfwide cruise, YSI casts were made at stations C6C, and CSI-9 on a few dates from a small boat using a Garmin 12XL Personal Navigator.; Data Quality Information: GPS manufacturer's accuracy claim is 1-5 meters 95% of the time. Wind, currents and tidal forces may have moved the ship from the beginning position. The Garmin 12XL Personal Navigator manufacturer describes the unit as being accurate within 15 meters 95% of the time.
  • Data Type: LONGITUDE (measured); Units: decimal degrees; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Furuno GPS Navagation GP-90; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Cruise station positions were logged from RV Pelican's differential GPS at the beginning of sampling operations. In addition to the July Shelfwide cruise, YSI casts were made at stations C6C, and CSI-9 on a few dates from a small boat using a Garmin 12XL Personal Navigator.; Data Quality Information: GPS manufacturer's accuracy claim is 1-5 meters 95% of the time. Wind, currents and tidal forces may have moved the ship from the beginning position. The Garmin 12XL Personal Navigator manufacturer describes the unit as being accurate within 15 meters 95% of the time.
  • Data Type: DISSOLVED OXYGEN (measured); Units: mg/L; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument; Sampling and Analyzing Method: The YSI CTD was attached by chain to a lead weight. The weight was lowered to the bottom by hydrowire. With the weight on the bottom, the sonde was positioned approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom. When the oxygen sensor stabilized, a data record of all the sensor values was stored electronically. During the Shelfwide cruise, the sonde was raised in approximately 0.5-meter increments, after D.O. sensor stabilization on the bottom; data records were stored. After storing data for the few meters closest to the bottom, the sonde was raised to two to three meters from the surface and a data record was saved. The sonde was raised and records stored in approximately 0.5-meter increments until finally a record was stored with the sonde submerged but as close as possible to the surface.; Data Quality Information: The YSI 6820 Oxygen sensor was serviced and calibrated before deployment and maintained in accordance with YSI ( recommended procedure. The Sonde and Logger are returned to the factory at least annually for inspection and service. Shipboard Winkler titrations during the cruises were used to develop regressions against the YSI data in case it was necessary to correct the oxygen data. YSI oxygen data were corrected for the July Shelfwide cruise using an equation based on the results of the regression.
  • Data Type: CONDUCTIVITY (measured); Units: mS/cm; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument; Sampling and Analyzing Method: The YSI CTD was attached by chain to a lead weight. The weight was lowered to the bottom by hydrowire. With the weight on the bottom, the sonde was positioned approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom. When the oxygen sensor stabilized, a data record of all the sensor values was stored electronically. During the Shelfwide cruise, the sonde was raised in approximately 0.5-meter increments, after D.O. sensor stabilization on the bottom; data records were stored. After storing data for the few meters closest to the bottom, the sonde was raised to two to three meters from the surface and a data record was saved. The sonde was raised and records stored in approximately 0.5-meter increments until finally a record was stored with the sonde submerged but as close as possible to the surface.; Data Quality Information: The YSI 6820 Conductivity sensors were serviced and calibrated before deployment and maintained in accordance with YSI ( recommended procedure. The Sonde and Logger are returned to the factory at least annually for inspection and service.
  • Data Type: TEMPERATURE [WATER TEMPERATURE] (measured); Units: degrees Celsius; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument; Sampling and Analyzing Method: The YSI CTD was attached by chain to a lead weight. The weight was lowered to the bottom by hydrowire. With the weight on the bottom, the sonde was positioned approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom. When the oxygen sensor stabilized, a data record of all the sensor values was stored electronically. During the Shelfwide cruise, the sonde was raised in approximately 0.5-meter increments, after D.O. sensor stabilization on the bottom; data records were stored. After storing data for the few meters closest to the bottom, the sonde was raised to two to three meters from the surface and a data record was saved. The sonde was raised and records stored in approximately 0.5-meter increments until finally a record was stored with the sonde submerged but as close as possible to the surface.; Data Quality Information: The YSI 6820 temperature sensor was serviced and calibrated before deployment and maintained in accordance with YSI ( recommended procedure. The Sonde and Logger are returned to the factory at least annually for inspection and service.
  • Data Type: SALINITY (calculated); Units: psu; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument; Sampling and Analyzing Method: The YSI CTD was attached by chain to a lead weight. The weight was lowered to the bottom by hydrowire. With the weight on the bottom, the sonde was positioned approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom. When the oxygen sensor stabilized, a data record of all the sensor values was stored electronically. During the Shelfwide cruise, the sonde was raised in approximately 0.5-meter increments, after D.O. sensor stabilization on the bottom; data records were stored. After storing data for the few meters closest to the bottom, the sonde was raised to two to three meters from the surface and a data record was saved. The sonde was raised and records stored in approximately 0.5-meter increments until finally a record was stored with the sonde submerged but as close as possible to the surface.; Data Quality Information: The YSI 6820 conductivity sensor was serviced and calibrated before deployment and maintained in accordance with YSI ( recommended procedure. The Sonde and Logger are returned to the factory at least annually for inspection and service. As salinity water samples were not collected in 2013, small adjustments to YSI salinity values were made based on correlations with Seabird salinity data for the July Shelfwide cruise.
  • Data Type: OXYGEN - PERCENT SATURATION (calculated); Units: %; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument; Sampling and Analyzing Method: The YSI CTD was attached by chain to a lead weight. The weight was lowered to the bottom by hydrowire. With the weight on the bottom, the sonde was positioned approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom. When the oxygen sensor stabilized, a data record of all the sensor values was stored electronically. During the Shelfwide cruise, the sonde was raised in approximately 0.5-meter increments, after D.O. sensor stabilization on the bottom; data records were stored. After storing data for the few meters closest to the bottom, the sonde was raised to two to three meters from the surface and a data record was saved. The sonde was raised and records stored in approximately 0.5-meter increments until finally a record was stored with the sonde submerged but as close as possible to the surface.; Data Quality Information: The YSI 6820 Conductivity, Oxygen, and temperature sensors were serviced and calibrated before deployment and maintained in accordance with YSI ( recommended procedure. The Sonde and Logger are returned to the factory at least annually for inspection and service. Shipboard Winkler titrations during the cruises were used to develop regressions against the YSI data in case it was necessary to correct the oxygen data. YSI oxygen data were corrected for the July Shelfwide cruise using an equation based on the results of the regression.
  • Data Type: INSTRUMENT - DEPTH (measured); Units: meter; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument; Sampling and Analyzing Method: The YSI CTD was attached by chain to a lead weight. The weight was lowered to the bottom by hydrowire. With the weight on the bottom, the sonde was positioned approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom. When the oxygen sensor stabilized, a data record of all the sensor values was stored electronically. During the Shelfwide cruise, the sonde was raised in approximately 0.5-meter increments, after D.O. sensor stabilization on the bottom; data records were stored. After storing data for the few meters closest to the bottom, the sonde was raised to two to three meters from the surface and a data record was saved. The sonde was raised and records stored in approximately 0.5-meter increments until finally a record was stored with the sonde submerged but as close as possible to the surface.; Data Quality Information: The YSI 6820 pressure sensor was serviced and calibrated before deployment and maintained in accordance with YSI ( recommended procedure. The Sonde and Logger are returned to the factory at least annually for inspection and service.
  • Data Type: AMMONIUM (NH4) (measured); Units: micromole/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Lachat QuikChem; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for nutrient analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for nutrient analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of nutrients in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Nutrient Methodology_Description: Care was taken that the collector's hands were clean and avoided touching the sample water. Gloves were worn when two replicate sample vials and caps were triple rinsed with sample before vial filling and closing. Samples were not filtered. The sample vials were frozen for later analysis in the laboratory. Lab Nutrient Methodology_Description: Ammonium samples were analyzed according to Lachat Instrument's QuikChem method 31-107-06-1-B.; Data Quality Information: Nutrient analyses were conducted using a QuikChem 8000 FIA+ ( Charlie Milan performed the analyses under the supervision of R. E. Turner, LSU.
  • Data Type: nitrate + nitrite content (concentration) (measured); Units: micromole/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Lachat QuikChem; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for nutrient analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for nutrient analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of nutrients in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Nutrient Methodology_Description: Care was taken that the collector's hands were clean and avoided touching the sample water. Gloves were worn when two replicate sample vials and caps were triple rinsed with sample before vial filling and closing. Samples were not filtered. The sample vials were frozen for later analysis in the laboratory. Lab Nutrient Methodology_Description: Nitrates and Nitrites were determined using Lachat Instrument's Method 31-107-04-1-C.; Data Quality Information: Nutrient analyses were conducted using a QuikChem 8000 FIA+ ( Charlie Milan performed the analyses under the supervision of R. E. Turner, LSU.
  • Data Type: PHOSPHATE - INORGANIC [phosphate] (measured); Units: micromole/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Lachat QuikChem; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for nutrient analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for nutrient analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of nutrients in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Nutrient Methodology_Description: Care was taken that the collector's hands were clean and avoided touching the sample water. Gloves were worn when two replicate sample vials and caps were triple rinsed with sample before vial filling and closing. Samples were not filtered. The sample vials were frozen for later analysis in the laboratory. Lab Nutrient Methodology_Description: Phosphates are determined by Lachat Instrument's QuikChem Method 31-115-01-1-H.; Data Quality Information: Nutrient analyses were conducted using a QuikChem 8000 FIA+ ( Charlie Milan performed the analyses under the supervision of R. E. Turner, LSU.
  • Data Type: silicate (measured); Units: micromole/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Lachat QuikChem; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for nutrient analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for nutrient analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations.Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of nutrients in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Nutrient Methodology_Description: Care was taken that the collector's hands were clean and avoided touching the sample water. Gloves were worn when two replicate sample vials and caps were triple rinsed with sample before vial filling and closing. Samples were not filtered. The sample vials were frozen for later analysis in the laboratory. Lab Nutrient Methodology_Description: Silicates were measured using Lachat Instrument's Method 31-114-27-1-C.; Data Quality Information: Nutrient analyses were conducted using a QuikChem 8000 FIA+ ( Charlie Milan performed the analyses under the supervision of R. E. Turner, LSU.
  • Data Type: CHLOROPHYLL - EXTRACTED (measured); Units: microgram/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Turner digital 10-AU; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for chlorophyll analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of chlorophyll in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Pigment Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analysis (10 - 100 ml) was filtered on board ship through GF/F (0.7 micron) filters, which were then fixed in 5 ml of DMSO/90% acetone (40/60) solution, allowed to extract for at least two hours in the dark, then measured pre- and post-acidification on a Turner Model 10 AU fluorometer.; Data Quality Information: The Turner Designs model 10 AU fluorometer was calibrated (3/21/2011) for chlorophyll a against a chemical supply house chlorophyll a standard measured on a spectrophotometer. Each time the fluorometer was moved, it was tested with a Turner 10-AU solid standard. During cruises, the fluorometer was blanked and calibrated daily in accordance with Turner Designs recommended procedures. Pigment measurements were supervised by Nancy Rabalais and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: PHAEOPIGMENT CONCENTRATION (measured); Units: microgram/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Turner digital 10-AU; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for chlorophyll analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of chlorophyll in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Pigment Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analysis (10 - 100 ml) was filtered on board ship through GF/F (0.7 micron) filters, which were then fixed in 5 ml of DMSO/90% acetone (40/60) solution, allowed to extract for at least two hours in the dark, then measured pre- and post-acidification on a Turner Model 10 AU fluorometer.; Data Quality Information: The Turner Designs model 10 AU fluorometer was calibrated (3/21/2011) for chlorophyll a against a chemical supply house chlorophyll a standard measured on a spectrophotometer. Each time the fluorometer was moved, it was tested with a Turner 10-AU solid standard. During cruises, the fluorometer was blanked and calibrated daily in accordance with Turner Designs recommended procedures. Pigment measurements were supervised by Nancy Rabalais and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: Total PIGMENTS (calculated); Units: microgram/liter; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Turner digital 10-AU; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for chlorophyll analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of chlorophyll in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Pigment Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analysis (10 - 100 ml) was filtered on board ship through GF/F (0.7 micron) filters, which were then fixed in 5 ml of DMSO/90% acetone (40/60) solution, allowed to extract for at least two hours in the dark, then measured pre- and post-acidification on a Turner Model 10 AU fluorometer.; Data Quality Information: The Turner Designs model 10 AU fluorometer was calibrated (3/21/2011) for chlorophyll a against a chemical supply house chlorophyll a standard measured on a spectrophotometer. Each time the fluorometer was moved, it was tested with a Turner 10-AU solid standard. During cruises, the fluorometer was blanked and calibrated daily in accordance with Turner Designs recommended procedures. Pigment measurements were supervised by Nancy Rabalais and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: Mean Fo/Fa (calculated); Units: unitless; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Turner digital 10-AU; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom water samples for chlorophyll analyses were collected in a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire at all stations. Mid water samples were collected at C6C and CSI-9 stations, for analysis of chlorophyll in 5-l Niskin bottles on the SeaBird CTD/rosette system or a messenger triggered 5-l Niskin on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field Pigment Methodology_Description: Water for chlorophyll analysis (10 - 100 ml) was filtered on board ship through GF/F (0.7 micron) filters, which were then fixed in 5 ml of DMSO/90% acetone (40/60) solution, allowed to extract for at least two hours in the dark, then measured pre- and post-acidification on a Turner Model 10 AU fluorometer.; Data Quality Information: The Turner Designs model 10 AU fluorometer was calibrated (3/21/2011) for chlorophyll a against a chemical supply house chlorophyll a standard measured on a spectrophotometer. Each time the fluorometer was moved, it was tested with a Turner 10-AU solid standard. During cruises, the fluorometer was blanked and calibrated daily in accordance with Turner Designs recommended procedures. Pigment measurements were supervised by Nancy Rabalais and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: DISSOLVED OXYGEN (measured); Units: mg/L; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: Mettler Toledo DL28 Titrator; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Winkler Methodology_Description: Water was collected from Niskin Bottle samples using a 300ml glass BOD bottle. Care was taken so that air bubbles were not introduced into the water sample and titration reagents were added immediately to fix the oxygen. Stations and depths were selected as water samples for Winkler analysis based on homogeneity the oxygen profile around that depth, and the need for a distribution of oxygen values across the observed oxygen range. Lab Winkler Methodology_Description:Winkler samples were analyzed on board the R/V Pelican with a Mettler Toledo DL28 Titrator using dissolved oxygen determination methods outlined in a Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis by Strickland and Parsons, 1977.; Data Quality Information: Winkler samples were analyzed on board the R/V Pelican with a Mettler Toledo DL28 Titrator using dissolved oxygen determination methods outlined in a Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis by Strickland and Parsons, 1977. Winkler analyses were conducted by Wendy Morrison under the supervision of Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: DEPTH - SENSOR (measured); Units: meter; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE-9+, Paroscientific Digiquartz(r) pressure sensor; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: The Paroscientific Digiquartz(r) pressure sensor was factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures.
  • Data Type: SONAR ALTIMETER (measured); Units: meter; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Sonar Altimeter, Teledyne Benthos PSA-900; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: The Teledyne Benthos PSA-900 sonar altimeter was factory tested and calibrated at manufacturer recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff. N.B. Near bottom high altimeter values (>6.0 m) were deleted throughout the dataset, because probes were likely within 1 meter of the bottom.
  • Data Type: PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION (PAR) (measured); Units: microEinsteins/meter^2*sec; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Biospherical Instruments 2-QSP-200L; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: The Biospherical Instruments 2-QSP-200L in water PAR sensor was factory tested and calibrated at manufacturer recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff. N.B. Surface irradiance data for the Shelfwide cruise were removed; values were exceptionally low, it is likely the sensor was obstructed. As such, CPAR % data could not be calculated, and only in water PAR data have been included.
  • Data Type: LIGHT TRANSMISSION (measured); Units: percent; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Wetlabs Transmissometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: The Wet Labs C Star 10 cm path transmissometer was maintained by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Wet Labs recommendations. N.B. Beginning with station G3 (ID# 2013059), Beam Transmission values became erratic, particularly in waters supersaturate with dissolved oxygen (>100%). These values could be related to localized patches of phytoplankton, but did occur several times within the dataset. These erratic data should be used cautiously.
  • Data Type: FLUORESCENCE (measured); Units: microgram/liter; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Chelsea Instruments Aquatraka III; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m), Salinity (psu), Density sigma-t (kg/m3), Oxygen concentration (mg/L), and Oxygen percent saturation (%). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: The Chelsea Instruments Aquatraka III Chlorophyll a sensor was factory tested and calibrated at recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Chelsea Instruments procedures.
  • Data Type: TEMPERATURE - WATER [WATER TEMPERATURE] (measured); Units: degrees Celsius; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE 3-01/F; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m), Salinity (psu), Density sigma-t (kg/m3), Oxygen concentration (mg/L), and Oxygen percent saturation (%). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: Sea-Bird 3-01/F temperature sensors were factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures.
  • Data Type: CONDUCTIVITY (measured); Units: siemens/m; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE 4-01/0; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m), Salinity (psu), Density sigma-t (kg/m3), Oxygen concentration (mg/L), and Oxygen percent saturation (%). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: Sea-Bird SBE 4-01/0 Conductivity sensors were factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures.
  • Data Type: SALINITY (calculated); Units: psu; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE 4-01/0; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m), Salinity (psu), Density sigma-t (kg/m3), Oxygen concentration (mg/L), and Oxygen percent saturation (%). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: Sea-Bird SBE 4-01/0 Conductivity sensors were factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures. Salinity water samples were not collected for 2013. Seabird salinity had to corrections applied to them.
  • Data Type: WATER DENSITY (calculated); Units: kilogram/meter^3; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE CTD; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m), Salinity (psu), Density sigma-t (kg/m3), Oxygen concentration (mg/L), and Oxygen percent saturation (%). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: The Paroscientific Digiquartz(r) pressure sensor, the SBE 3-01/F temperature sensors, SBE 5-01 pumps, and the SBE 4-01/0 Conductivity sensors were factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures.
  • Data Type: DISSOLVED OXYGEN (measured); Units: mg/L; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE 13-01; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field Seabird CTD Methodology_Description: The SeaBird CTD number of scans to average in the deck unit was set to one. At the beginning of each hydrocast the entire CTD/Rosette package was soaked while submerged 0.5m to 1.0m below the surface until pump flow and oxygen values observed via the Sea-Bird deck unit indicated the system was operating correctly. Sensor packages are located below the Niskin bottle rosette sampler. In order to minimize the effect of delays in oxygen sensor response time caused by temperature, sensor condition and plumbing configuration, the CTD package was lowered as close to dead slow as possible. The sensor packages were located below the Niskin bottles and rosette. At stations where the watch chief deemed the structure of the oxygen profile contained features useful in post-processing the oxygen data (AlignCTD), the CTD package was raised at the same speed it was lowered. At all other stations, the upcast was rapid in order to save time. Lab SeaBird CTD Methodology_Description: Sea-Bird CTD data were acquired using Seasoft and processed using SBE Data Processing-Win32 software. All scans were processed without averaging or interpolation with a bin size of one scan. In order to compensate for the delay in oxygen sensor response time and improve the alignment between oxygen sensor values and temperature and conductivity sensor values, the Seasoft module ALIGNCTD was used. See Field SeaBird CTD for selection process of which stations were used for alignment. After alignment, the DERIVE function was used to calculate Depth (m), Salinity (psu), Density sigma-t (kg/m3), Oxygen concentration (mg/L), and Oxygen percent saturation (%). Final data were exported as ascii files. A MATLAB program was used to select a water column profile made up of scans from the downcast of discrete 1-meter (or 0.1-m) measurements. The MATLAB program selected scans as follows: 1) Data from Seabird warm up period sitting on the surface were removed; 2) Upcast data were removed; 3) Data scans were selected at 1.0 meter increments through the water column; 3) When DO values changed significantly (> 1.0 mgO2/L) within 1-meter, scans at 0.1-m intervals were selected within that meter; 4) Minimum oxygen and maximum depth scans were selected.; Data Quality Information: SBE 13-01 dissolved oxygen sensors and SBE 5-01 pumps were factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures. At the beginning of the July Shelfwide cruise, oxygen sensors were calibrated using the procedures described in SeaBird APPLICATION NOTE NO. 13-1, Rev. D. The Winkler Titration oxygen value was determined chemically from replicate samples processed using a Mettler DL21 Titrator ( Shipboard Winkler titrations were performed during the Shelfwide cruise to develop regressions against the SeaBird data. Seabird oxygen data were corrected for the cruise data using an equation based on the results of the regression. Winkler titrations were conducted under the supervision of Nancy Rabalais. SeaBird data post processing was done by Leslie Smith and Wendy Morrison and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: OXYGEN - PERCENT SATURATION (calculated); Units: percent; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: SBE CTD; Data Quality Information: Sea-Bird SBE 13-01 dissolved oxygen sensors, the Paroscientific Digiquartz(r) pressure sensor, the SBE 3-01/F temperature sensors, SBE 5-01 pumps, and the SBE 4-01/0 Conductivity sensors were factory tested and calibrated at Sea-Bird ( recommended intervals and maintained and serviced by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff in accordance with Sea-Bird procedures. At the beginning of the July Shelfwide cruise, oxygen sensors were calibrated using the procedures described in SeaBird APPLICATION NOTE NO. 13-1, Rev. D. The Winkler Titration oxygen value was determined chemically from replicate samples processed using a Mettler DL21 Titrator ( Shipboard Winkler titrations were performed during the Shelfwide cruise to develop regressions against the SeaBird data. Seabird oxygen data were corrected for the cruise data using an equation based on the results of the regression. Winkler titrations were conducted under the supervision of Nancy Rabalais. SeaBird data post processing was done by Leslie Smith and Wendy Morrison and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: inorganic suspended particulate matter (measured); Units: mg/L; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: GF/F Filter; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for suspended sediment analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom and mid-water samples at C6C and CSI-9 were collected for suspended sediment analyses using a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field SPM Methodology_Description: Water (approximately 50 to 1500 ml) collected for suspended sediment samples was filtered on board ship through (pre-combusted, pre-weighed) GF/F filters and rinsed with distilled water. The filters were placed in Petri dishes and frozen for later analysis. Lab SPM Methodology_Description: Suspended sediment filters were dried overnight at 60degC and weighed. The filters were then combusted at 400degC for 12 hours and weighed. The weights of the total suspended, organic and inorganic materials were derived.; Data Quality Information: Suspended sediment concentrations were supervised and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: organic suspended particulate material (measured); Units: mg/L; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: GF/F Filter; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Field water samples Methodology_Description: Water for suspended sediment analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom and mid-water samples at C6C and CSI-9 were collected for suspended sediment analyses using a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field SPM Methodology_Description: Water (approximately 50 to 1500 ml) collected for suspended sediment samples was filtered on board ship through (pre-combusted, pre-weighed) GF/F filters and rinsed with distilled water. The filters were placed in Petri dishes and frozen for later analysis. Lab SPM Methodology_Description: Suspended sediment filters were dried overnight at 60degC and weighed. The filters were then combusted at 400degC for 12 hours and weighed. The weights of the total suspended, organic and inorganic materials were derived.; Data Quality Information: Suspended sediment concentrations were supervised and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: Total Suspended Sediments (measured); Units: mg/L; Observation Type: laboratory analysis; Sampling Instrument: GF/F Filter; Sampling and Analyzing Method: ield water samples Methodology_Description: Water for suspended sediment analyses was collected from the surface by twice-rinsed bucket at all stations. Bottom and mid-water samples at C6C and CSI-9 were collected for suspended sediment analyses using a 5-l bottom tripping Niskin deployed on the YSI hydrowire. Depth values of "0" indicate a bucket sample collected from the surface of the water. Generally, deepest depths of water samples were from the bottom-tripping Niskin and correspond to the deepest depth recorded from the YSI. Midwater samples were collected using Niskin bottles on the SeaBird rosette. Depths for midwater samples were taken from corresponding Seabird data, adjusting for the SeaBird pressure sensor being located approximately 0.75 meters below the mid-point of the 5-L Niskin. Field SPM Methodology_Description: Water (approximately 50 to 1500 ml) collected for suspended sediment samples was filtered on board ship through (pre-combusted, pre-weighed) GF/F filters and rinsed with distilled water. The filters were placed in Petri dishes and frozen for later analysis. Lab SPM Methodology_Description: Suspended sediment filters were dried overnight at 60degC and weighed. The filters were then combusted at 400degC for 12 hours and weighed. The weights of the total suspended, organic and inorganic materials were derived.; Data Quality Information: Suspended sediment concentrations were supervised and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais.
  • Data Type: Time (measured); Units: Zulu; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Multiple Instrument Data Acquisition System (MIDAS); Data Quality Information: The RV Pelican's Multiple Instrument Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) is maintained by the ship's electronic staff.
  • Data Type: DEPTH - BOTTOM (measured); Units: meter; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Odom Echotrac II Fathometer; Sampling and Analyzing Method: During the July shelfwide cruise stations were occupied along 14 generally North-South transects across the Louisiana and Texas coastal shelves. Station depths ranged from 4.23 to 61.00 meters. The objective was to delimit and describe the area of midsummer bottom dissolved oxygen less than 2 (mg/L). Northern end stations of transects were chosen based on the survey vessel's minimum depth limits for each longitude. The northern extent of hypoxia was not reached on transects A', C, and D. Hypoxic oxygen levels were found in transects A', A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K.; Data Quality Information: Station depths were logged from the ship's Odom Echotrac II ( fathometer. The Fathometer was calibrated and maintained by RV Pelican Electronic Technical support staff per manufacturer specifications.
  • Data Type: SALINITY - BOTTOM WATER (measured); Units: psu; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: Multiple Instrument Data Acquisition System (MIDAS); Data Quality Information: The RV Pelican's Multiple Instrument Data Acquisition System (MIDAS) is maintained by the ship's electronic staff.
  • Data Type: SECCHI DEPTH (measured); Units: meter; Observation Type: in situ; Sampling Instrument: secchi disk; Sampling and Analyzing Method: Secchi disk depths were measured by hand using standard protocol. Secchi disk depths were only measured during daylight operations.
Acquisition Information (collection)
  • CTD
  • multi-parameter water quality sensor
  • pressure sensor
  • Secchi disk
  • transmissometer
  • R/V Pelican
Last Modified: 2024-09-17T19:22:39Z
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